Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wild Rose Country

One down, how many to go?


Barry said...

You just left BC? You have to be in Niagara Falls on what.....the 30th? You departed on the 25th? Let's see.....according to my calculations, you have made 1/5th of the distance using up 2/3rds of your time frame. Maybe I'm wrong about the 30th and anyway it's all about the freedom of the open road.........

Carmen said...

Due to internet troubles in this great country of ours, I am behind.  I am working very hard to catch up, but since we are hauling ass to Niagara not much blogging time in the evenings.
And half the time don't have cel service. Funny that, never had a problem in Bali.

Devon said...

Canada is one big country!!! :)