Saturday, August 10, 2013

Breakfast of champions

Maid of the Mist

Maid of the Mist is North America's oldest tourist attraction, since 1846 they say. Another wet experience.  Long lineups but went quickly and they take you right to the foot of the falls. Impossible to get pictures when in there because of the water.  Another excuse to get a water proof camera. Niagara's Fury is a 4-D movie about the creation of the falls. They herd you into a dark, round room. The temperature drops, water bubbles and sprays, snow falls, the platform tilts and trembles and rumbles. Very touristy but entertaining. The fourth option, the White Water Walk we passed on, had our fill.

Full meal deal

We came to see the falls so we did all that there was to offer.  The Adventure pass got you The Journey Behind the Falls, Niagara's Fury,  Maid of the Mist and the White Water Walk for just under $50.  Which I thought was a fair deal considering how expensive everything else is.  So much so we started ordering from the senior's menu.
The Journey Behind the Falls is below.  Elevator descends 150 feet through the bedrock to tunnels leading to two different portals that place you behind the falls.  Very loud and wet. I have a great video of it. For the life of me I am unable to post it using the ipad.  Have been at it for a few days and if/when I figure it out, I will post it. There a couple observations decks at the foot of the falls.  Lots of wind and water flying at you.  You are so close, right there and can't help going oooooh.  It really is something, so much water that never stops, so much power.  Thundering is the word.

Where we are

Friday, August 9, 2013


It has been 30 years since I have been in Niagara and of course it has changed.  It was a bit of a carnival at that time, now is a cross between Vegas and a carnival show.  Big fancy hotels, lots of restaurants, casinos, lots of people and expensive.  For us, it is all about the falls.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Three full days driving. One big province. 


30 km before Sudbury we finally got a 100 km speed limit.  
100 km aka 110 km.  We are both looking forward to being in Niagara Falls and taking it easy. Just like a real vacation. I keep saying to myself and Rita, it will soon all be a forgotten memory, just like all those years of work. Here are some typical pics from the car after a quick stop in Sudbury for Finnish stuff.


Otherwise titled 'The Ontario Rant'
Don't get me wrong, it is beautiful.  Rolling farmland, lovely blue lakes dotted with cabins and mythical wildlife. Large rivers, waterfalls, rocky outcrops, which I have been informed is the Canadian Shield. Lots of outdoor activities to offer. Very pretty between Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury.
1500 kilometres of endless bush
I am going to lose my mind.  
Mile after mile of ENDLESS bush
I wouldn't call it a forest, just BUSH
1500 km of monotonous endless BUSH
I'm about ready to shoot myself if I don't see something else
Stupid bush
Stupid Ontario
We are dying for some kind of new landscape
Starting to go stupid going through western Ontario. Everytime I see the sign Adopt a Highway, I think 'Ride a Cowboy'  We are forgetting things, forgetting where we are.  Repeating ourselves. duh, what did you say? What was that?
We get excited to see a crow on the side of the road, not to mention what happens when we see a bald eagle.
OMG are we there yet?
There are no meese in moose country. We saw a sign something like 'Get your bear and moose export permits here', so we figure that is what happened to them all.  Exported out of Ontario.
All the promises we saw. All those moose warning signs every kilometre or so, all the souvenirs we saw, all promising that you too will see a moose. You too will reach nirvana. Just one big disappointment.
Not that I'm bitter or anything....
Give me the prairies any day 
Will be a long time before I drive through Western Ontario again. 

All this makes me think of Hoppy the deer.

Check  these out:

Also check out the full story here:

Sault Ste Marie morning

Yikes, we have to be in Niagara tonight.  Up and out by 6.45am. Foggy and 12 degrees but looks like it will a be a sunny day. We are feeling smug that we managed to get up and out early. Rita complaining bitterly about the the alarm that scared the crap out of her this morning but she is laughing so I guess all is okay

Driving driving driving

Spent the night in Sault Ste Marie.  Got in late, so Subway for dinner, Mike's Hard Lemonade from the Agawa service station, back to the hotel and day is done. It's all a blur.  And still no moose.
Oh, forgot to mention the deer in downtown Medicine Hat, Alberta, though. Just crossing through the intersection. All that wilderness and where do we see something?  Besides, that was a long time ago !

Best gas station in Ontario?

At Agawa Canyon, still in Ontario. They had everything there, you name it.  Teepees, furs, snowshoes, all sorts of arts and crafts, liquor, food, jerky, gas and the only moose I have seen since BC.

More stunning scenery

Things are looking different than BC. So many lakes and marshy land, perfect for mooses, if we would see one. Different kind of rocky from BC, shale outcroppings, lots of waterfalls, French is becoming more prevalent. I guess this is a good time to mention the speed limit, which appears to be just a suggestion for Ontarionians.  They fly by us, so we have gone to 10k over the limit, but they still leave us in the dust.  Oh, and the speedy Albertans, they fly by everyone!

yum yum

Rita says mmmmmm  Karjalanpiirakka 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Somewhere along Lake Superior.  So many things and places, easy to forget, but between the two of us we are managing.  lol..not always an advantage, sometimes between the two of us things go awry.  We stop every once and awhile, but after Niagara Falls we can take it easy.

Terry Fox Memorial

Just outside of Thunderbay, nice park with a nice view.  We have seen many memorials to Terry Fox in the east.

Day two in Ontario

Here is a shot of the actual Thunderbay on Lake Superior. One day from Winnipeg, not bad, but no dawdling for us, have reservations in Niagara to make.  After pancakes and a lead on another Finnish store in Sudbury, we are off.
I am still having technical difficulties. On top of internet access I  have come to the conclusion that I am asking my IPAD to do things it just can't handle. I am giving up control and switching to an APP for posting. We'll see how that goes. 


We made Thunderbay! One of the musts for Rita was the Finnish Labour Temple. According to Rick Mercer, the best Finnish pancakes are to be had there. According to Rita they were good, but not her mothers. I say yum, but not as good as my mom's dutchie pancakes.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kakabeka falls

Thundering falls at a rest stop just before Thunderbay.         

Things that make you go hmmmph

We just had to. As expected and won't be doing that again.

Still Ontario

Still toodling along nicely.  Good road, however the speed limit is only 90km.  Feels like a snails pace on such a good road with nobody around. Especially, just coming off the prairies. The signs with the fines for speeding over by certain amounts keeps us in check, though.  Neither of us wants to be the first with a speeding ticket.  I like the watching for moose signs and am anticipating seeing some critters along the way and we're keeping our eagle eyes open.


If anyone has looked at a map of Ontario, there appears to be more water than land. This is our first look at Lake of the Woods at Kenora, just into Ontario. A whole new province and we are both excited to see something new. All unchartered territory for the two of us. Land of the people with summer cottages. Beautiful scenery, pristine blue lakes shining in the sun. Cloudless skies and the open road.

Monday, August 5, 2013


To boost readership we are sponsering a get rich scheme for you. Called 'How many bags does Rita have?' Winner gets maple syrup from Quebec.  Not all are displayed because there are too many to carry from the car.

Ontario More to Discover

Arty shot for the day

New Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg.


Original home of Nutty Club. Came across this by accident trying to get out of Winnipeg.