Saturday, September 21, 2013

Musings along the way

  • many golf courses so little time
  • With all this driving and sitting, I am losing muscle tone, can you say atrophy? We get stiffer faster and hobble lots when first getting out of the car
  • After climbing the lighthouse my quads and butt are sore and that was only 4 flights of ladders. oh bad
  • Houses in the east have big ass lawns
  • There ar flowers everywhere
  • Looking at the pictures in the blog it looks like we are having a gay old time, doesn't give the impression that we regularly don't get out of the room till 11am, Rita says that is fine it is our coming back at 4pm which is the problem
  • Who would think I would miss Telus internet, I guess Telus ain't so bad after all
  • During the wars, Newfoundland was not part of the Country, a colony of England and joined the 2nd war at the same time as Britain.
  • The American midwest, the land of billboards - omg
  • Chow relish in New Brunswick, I think a relish made with green tomatoes
  • the best pillows - Red tree Inn at Fernie
  • the best water pressure - The red tree in Fernie
  • best almond croissants - le moulin de province in Quebec
  • the best ginger cookies - The Chowder House, Point Prim, PEI
  • the best seafood chowder - The Chowder House
  • the best lobster roll - Sheraton in Bangor, Maine airport
  • best gas station - Agawa, I think Ontario
  • Best view in hotel - St Johns Newfoundland looking over the harbour
  • best scallops and shrimp at the Lobster Galley outside Baddeck, New Brunswick
  • I want my pillow
  • Should have called the blog 'I ate my way across Canada'. I enjoyed every bite.
  • Why is it called Moose Jaw?
  • My thighs are rubbing together in ways I have never experienced
  • a turnpike is actually refers to a toll road
  • all blurred memories
  • Rita takes such good care of me, made the coffee every morning
  • Everybody smokes in St Pierre
  • The shower washed my dreams away
  • Newfoundland impressions: hilly, lots of lakes, rocks strewn over the landscape in amidst bonsai forests
  • Turning into one big french fry
  • I'm really really REALLY sick of my clothes
  • I'm getting really sick of lugging luggage around
  • I sick of sitting
  • So many things I didn't know
  • I now know what cutter bees do
  • imagine how pretty it would be if it wasn't raining
  • so many rest stops, so little time
  • kept forgetting about the time zones
  • I know what Portage la prairie means
  • total mileage is 20,714 km approx
  • I'm tired
  • Canada is pretty much all bush


Barry said...

The summing up is a great idea and a true grand finale! What do cutter bees do?

Rita said...

A couple things of which I took note:

Quidi Vidi.. a small lake, village and brewery near St. John's, NL.. Loosely translated from Latin, ignoring grammatical errors, means "What I saw"

Burma-Shave slogans in Illinois, such as this one, were both interesting and a little scary: Roses are Red; My Gun is Blue; I am Safe; How about You..

Having to crawl under a desk to plug in the coffee maker in order to make coffee in the hotel room was NOT my favourite thing to do!

Pohénégamook... now what kind of a word is that?!! After leaving Quebec City, as we neared our 1st stop (Rivière-du-Loup), the sign intrigued me, so I had to look it up. Pohénégamook is a US/Canada border town, sharing the border with Estcourt Station, Maine. It is located on the Southern and Western shores of Lake Pohénégamook.. We didn't actually go there, because we were going to drive around the Gaspé Peninsula, however, this inquiring mind, just had to know!

I am so happy we made this trip.. we covered such a small portion of the vast lands that are Canada, however it is enough to know that next time I fly to my favourite spots (Ottawa, Quebec City, St. John's) and spend more time enjoying those cities and all they have to offer!!

Everyone should drive across Canada at least once